We are very happy and proud to present this issue of art in migration as part of the “Living On A Border“ research and art project (pages 17 to 25). There will be a massive art container travelling from Ljubljana, Vienna, Bologna, and to London. The container will resemble the area at airports where people await deportation and is entitled “Permanent Waiting Room“. There will also be a screening of four videos inside the container, each presented by the “Living On A Border“ partners, from London, Vienna, Ljubljana, and Bologna, and all of the videos will be projected as a loop.
There are a lot more articles in this issue of art in migration which deal with the problems that migrants encounter when living in new countries. We hope our readers realize that migration is not only about people being treated badly by politicians and institutions; it is also about the history and culture of humanity. In fact, culture is enriched and renewed by migration. Culture is and has always been intrinsically connected to the migration of people, who bring with them ideas, art, music (the list is endless).
This magazine issue also has more articles looking at international issues and projects not only from Western and Central Europe but also from Greenland, The Middle East, and Africa.
“Living On A Border“ will be in Vienna in May as part of SOHO IN OTTAKRING.
Kerstin Kellermann, Joshua Korn (Redaktion)
Foto: Edgar Lliuya, Containerdorf in München
She tries to break free, von Agnes Achola, Daniela Tagger, Hendrix Johnson, 3
Borders of the Middle East: Tal Adler, by Jessie Emkic, 4
Mazen and the “Gucci“ Revolution, by Jessie Emkic, 6
Mma Courage in South Africa, by Vanja Fuchs, 8
The absence of the thematized subjects, by Hansel Sato, 10
They invited people to come into their tent, by Jessie Emkic, 12
Mao na boca – Hand on the mouth, by Jessie Emkic, Helena Silva, 14
Greenland’s Melting, by Lisa Rosenblatt, 16
Living on a border
Living on a border, by Nenad Jelesijevic, 17
The erased people of Slovenia, by Lana Zdravkovic (Ljubljana), 18
The Phantoms Factory, by Neva Cocchi (Bologna), 20
An uphill task for migrant artists, by Obiora C-Ik Ofoedu, 22
Exploring barriers, by Nic Millington (London), 24
Ein Schneider in Wien, von Saskia Rudigier, 26
Emigrant, by Tomislav Blaževic, 28
Kisten können Feuer löschen, von Edgar Lliuya, 29
Sudaca Power, Luminescent Orchestrii, by Joshua Korn, 30
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gad - 27. Dez, 08:40